About us

Scan Winter

Winter Wonderland

Where in the world are your readers?

Dear Readers
We quite often here the remark ”who are your readers and where in the World are they?”.

Well, this is the difficult part of publishing on the Web. The demographics point in every direction. In the world of Web demographics everything can be true, yet everything can just as well be a proxy.

We try to pinpoint our reader’s whereabouts by the timezone they are accessing Scandinavia Now from. This at least gives us a fairly good idea of their location, because very few people (fortunately for us) take the trouble of resetting built-in computer and server clocks, even if they are Hotmail users.

This reveals the following, interesting readership:
Scandinavian/Western European timezone 30%
Eastern European timezone 14 %
Great Britian/Ireland 9%
North America/South America 30%

and the rest of the World 19 %

This shows a circulation of (at least) 70% outside Scandinavia, something we feel very proud of.

Regardless of whatever your belief, we thank you for your continued support!



”Scandinavia Now is the only English language, web published magazine covering the broad aspects of Nordic Business, Industry and Trade, that has successfully managed to reach and retain an international readership.”
Dagens Media
Sweden’s foremost Media Trade Publication

ScandinaviaNow has be published on the Web continuously since 1995

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